How to Become a Professional Photographer


Have you wondered what it takes to become a professional photographer?

Here’s the cool thing – there’s no one-size-fits-all roadmap. There are no rules or specific routes to follow in photography on who can join the club. I’ve met people from all sorts of professions – doctors, lawyers, therapists – who’ve switched gears and started a new life chapter as professional photographers.

Then you’ve got folks like me, who took the academic route, went to art school, earned a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Art) in photography, and launched our own business.

Whether you’re just dipping your toes in or you’ve been around the block and now want to make this your day job, this guide breaks it down into five key areas to help kickstart your creative journey.

Amateur Vs. Professional Photography

Let’s talk about the difference between snapping photos for fun and doing it for a living because understanding this can really help you figure out your own photography goals.

When you’re an amateur, photography is usually just a hobby. It’s something you do because you love it, not because you’re looking to make a paycheck. For instance, let’s say you’re on vacation, and you want to capture memories that go beyond simple phone snaps. 

But professional photography? That’s a whole different game.

It’s your career, your bread and butter.  It’s not just about taking great photos. You’ve got to run it as a sustainable business. It’s about making sure what you charge not only covers your costs (like gear, insurance, travel, time, and more) but also leaves a profit in your pocket.

If that’s not happening, then you’re still in hobby territory, my friend.
You know what they don’t tell you in art school or those creative classes?

How to price your work.

Sure, they teach you how to take amazing shots, but not many talk about the business side of things. A good place to start getting your head around this is by figuring out your CODB or Cost of Doing Business.

Find Your “Why” to Build Your Professional Photography Business

Getting to the heart of “why” you’re into photography is the secret sauce for creating a profitable business doing what you love. It’s all about digging deep and figuring out why you’re so attracted to taking photos and what they really mean to you.

I fell madly in love with photography as a kid. My dad was big on taking photos – he’d snap family pics with a box camera, hire photographers, and even drag us off to studios for portraits. When I came to the U.S. to do my Masters, I brought a small box of photos with me. Those handful of pictures were my link back home to my family and friends.

storybox of old photos
After my son was born, I felt this strong urge to capture every moment, every little detail of his life. It led me on a journey of self-discovery, honing my identity as a photographer and finding my voice, which ultimately led me to establish my own business, Storyboxart.

After the pandemic, my business evolved, and today it focuses on empowering women entrepreneurs. I help them step into the spotlight through not just powerful brand images but also brand coaching. It’s all about building a brand that truly resonates. Understanding your “why” will fuel your creativity, your passion, and your reach as you start on this professional photography path.

It’ll be your rock, helping you figure out what your business is all about. It’ll guide you toward the audience you want to reach – people who’ll be inspired and motivated by your story. Plus, it’ll keep you grounded and true to yourself as you navigate the ups and downs of a photography career.

Alpana Aras is a Visual Branding Coach and Strategist, internationally published Photographer, and Storyteller based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She helps women entrepreneurs craft their brand stories for impact and influence so that they can become cover stories of their brands.

woman in pink outfit in india

Hi, I am Alpana (ul-puh-na)

👉🏻  I help small business owners uncover their brand story to communicate their unique value, connect with dream clients, and create powerful messaging.


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